
With both a bold and solid episcopal and business advisory team, ReelZealiTV was founded to reinvigorate the legacy of one of the greatest Catholic teachers to ever utilize the platforms of radio and television.  Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen maximized the media to reach tens of millions across the globe and his writings, videos and voice recordings still inspire, educate, and motivate.  As a modern-day prophet, he foretold seventy years ago exactly the circumstances and realities of our current situation. 

The ReelZeal internet TV platform will mainly direct its program and video content to those primarily in the millennial generation and younger.  Partnered with Rome Reports, TV news agency headquartered in Rome, we are utilizing the RR content – both daily news stories and varied-length documentaries to spark the curiosity and attention of a young audience to educate, inspire and motivate them to go deeper in the study and understanding of the great richness of our Catholic faith.  Archbishop Sheen directed his television ministry to all people of good will.  His evangelism was epic and the fruits of his teaching is borne out by the millions who watched, listened and read and the significant numbers of converts who came into the Church.

Bishops, priests, and Catholic faith leaders can connect and communicate with the faithful and those seeking the Truth whether they are local in an individual Diocese or parish, across the US, or around the globe through our unique partnership with Rome Reports.